Reuse Intentions for Carsharing Services: A Hierarchical Model of Perceived Benefits, Risks, and Individual Diff ed Benefits, Risks, and Individual Differences Bo Liu Ph.D. in Marketing, Weifang University, No. 5147, Dongfeng East Street, Weifang City, Sh
ASIA MARKETING JOURNAL | AMJ(아시아마케팅저널) | 17 pages| 2024.12.09| 파일형태 :
조회 35 다운로드 0
This study employs a hierarchical component model to examine reuse intentions among experienced carsharing service users in South Korea, focusing on how various perceptions of benets and risks impact their decisions. It also explores the in uences of self-efcacy, gender, and service usage experience on these perceptions and reuse intentions. Findings highlight that male users are primarily driven by functional benets such as accessibility and convenience, whereas female users are more responsive to hedonic benets. Users with high self-efcacy prioritize economic benets, whereas those with more usage experience prioritize functional benets. Additionally, social risks signicantly deter reuse intentions predominantly among male and less experienced users. By utilizing a hierarchical model, this study
offers a deeper understanding of how each dimension of benets and risks affect overall perceptions, facilitating tailored strategies for carsharing services. The insights contribute valuable theoretical and practical perspectives on the dynamics
of carsharing service usage.

1. Introduction
2. Theoretical background
3. Method
4. Study
5. Results
6. Discussion

: Carsharing service Perceived benet Perceived risk Reuse intention Self-efcacy
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