- 코스피기업과 코스닥기업의 분기이익조정에 대한 비교연구: 회계제도 변화를 중심으로 2023.11.29
- 광고정보센터 | 논문 > 기타
- annual earnings more than their counterparts in the KOSPI market. However, there is little research that systematically investigates differences in quarterly earnings management between the two groups. Hence, this study examines whether there are...
- 코스피기업과 코스닥기업의 분기이익조정에 대한 비교연구: 회계제도 변화를 중심으로 2022.12.30
- 광고정보센터 | 논문 > 기타
- annual earnings more than their counterparts in the KOSPI market. However, there is little research that systematically investigates differences in quarterly earnings management between the two groups. Hence, this study examines whether there are...
- 국내 미디어 멀티태스킹 연구 현황 2017.02.23
- 광고정보센터 | 논문 > 기타
- education multitasked more than their counterparts, (2) entertainment, information, habit, social motives, polychronicity, resulted in greater multitasking, and (3) heavy media users and entertainment media users multitasked more than their counterparts....
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