공영방송의 공적가치와 재원부담 인식에 관한 연구
성균관대학교 | 248 pages| 2006.10.01| 파일형태 :
조회 867 다운로드 1
With the dawn of a multi-platform and multi-channel era the need for public broadcasting reception fees is decreasing and arguments for anti reception fees are arising, leading to the possibility of a financial threat to public broadcasters. This study is focused on the following four agendas. First is the organization of the public value elements that public broadcasters should pursue through their programs in Korea. The second analysis is on the recognition (perception) of public broadcaster`s expected and realized value on public value and the differences in recognition among related groups. The third agenda is focused on public broadcasters` financial structure and reserve on the financial burden for respective channels and whether there are any differences in view among related groups. Finally, the relationship between public broadcasters` public value and financial structure (percentage of reception fees) and their public value and reserve on financial burden (proportion of the reception fee broad asters are willing to burden) were analyzed. The study was based on four channels (KBS-1, KBS-2, MBC, EBS) of three public broadcasters.
공영방송 공적가치 재원부담인식 공적가치별 기대가치 실현가치 인식 KBS-1 KBS-2 MBC EBS 공익성
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