The Asymmetric Effects of Identity Salience on Judgement: The Role of Valence and Attribute Congruence
ASIA MARKETING JOURNAL | 한국마케팅학회 | 16 pages| 2023.08.14| 파일형태 :
조회 366 다운로드 0
A salient identity influences individuals' judgment on products. The current research investigates why identity salience sometimes produces asymmetric effects on an individual's judgment such that a salient identity often influences judgment on identity-congruent products only or identity-incongruent products only. Across two experiments, this research proposes and shows that the valence of identity-incongruent and identity-congruent attributes determines the direction of the asymmetric identity salience effects. Specifically, when an attribute of an identity-incongruent product is positively- (negatively-) valenced, identity salience influences judgment through a decreased (increased) preference for the identity-incongruent (identity-congruent) product.
#Asymmetric Effects #Salience #Valence #Identity
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