글로벌생산체제와 OEM 생산구조에 관한 진화경제학적 분석 : 스포츠화산업의 OEM 생산구조를 중심으로
부산대학교 | 163 pages| 2007.02.01| 파일형태 :
조회 1645 다운로드 0
This paper deals with the global production system of the athletic footwear industry. Its arm is to investigate the structure of the international production fragmentation and the relationships between buyers and original equipment manufacturers(OEMs). An evolutionary game is applied to analyze the buyers’ transaction strategies in the athletic footwear industry. At the same time a simulation model for the dynamics of the industry shows how the fluctuation of the market share across the time occurs in industry evolution due to the manufacturing strategies and production system. I have analyzed whether or not the relationships between buyers and OEMs can be an evolutionarily stable state(ESS). This paper shows that the unique ESS consists of the buyers based on high quality products playing the partnership strategy and the buyers-based on low quality products playing the market-based.
글로벌생산체제 OEM 생산구조 글로벌상품사슬 글로벌생산네트워크 OEM(Original Equipment Manufacture) 스포츠산업
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