전시·컨벤션 서비스에 대한 고객의 지각된 특성이 체험과 성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
부산대학교 | 183 pages| 2007.08.01| 파일형태 :
조회 1282 다운로드 5
The Convention industry is a synthetic service industry which has not only the information effect of making the tourist resources and cultures of the venues known all though the world but also for reaching economic and social effects. These days, Exhibition and Convention Services are a popular medium for promoting products and services. However, much of the existing literature on ECSs(Exhibition and Convention Services). Despite, this preoccupation, surprisingly little research has been used to examine the ECSs` essential characteristic in marketing. In the ECSs` essential characteristic, many researches have not handled the process that ECSs` subjects(organizer, exhibitor, visitor) is experiencing. This study is designed to examine how ECSs` subject, specially exhibitors and visitors, evaluate the quality of the physical evidences and motivation, how the evaluation of the perceived characteristic influences the perceived experience, the overall satisfaction, loyalty, and performance. The major purposes of this study with this proposition are as follows:
전시·컨벤션 서비스 지각된 서비스 품질 지각된 체험 체험마케팅 고객만족 고객 충성도
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