프로야구의 서비스품질과 서비스 브랜드개성이 서비스충성도에 미치는 영향
단국대학교 | 113 pages| 2006.12.01| 파일형태 :
조회 1429 다운로드 1
This study was intended to offer objective and systematic data to establish a distinguishable marketing strategy examining a structural relationship between motivation of professional baseball spectators and their future consumption behavior. A questionnaire was used for the study and spectators in Daegu baseball stadium were set up as population. 500 males and females over 15 years old were selected for stratified cluster random sampling. They should answer the questionnaire by self-administration method. After insincere answers or answers that had omitted some information and were out of normality were excluded, valid samples of total 489 spectators, who were 323 males and 166 female(97.8%), were extracted and used for the final analysis.
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